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ROE Academy US Concludes Summer Session

ROE Visual Academy US concluded training with more hands-on mapping, troubleshooting and wall-building as well as a taco lunch in honor the company’s guests and the 3-day Labor Day weekend. ROE Visual Academy US experienced a notable uptick in the number of women attending the LED technician training

ROE Academy US Concludes Summer Session

This summer session consisted of a handful of seasoned video and lighting technicians including production veteran and ROE Visual client, Richard Thornton, owner of Light Services in Little Rock, Arkansas.

ROE Academy US Concludes Summer Session

Coming from a wide diversity of backgrounds, newly certified ROE Visual Basic LED technicians include a physicist, a former actress, a RED camera operator, a film school graduate, a handful of video-specialized stagehands, production staff from a prominent casino in the Midwest and IATSE members from the San Francisco Bay Area, who invited ROE Visual to bring the LED training to Northern California to a larger number of Local 16 stagehands who could benefit from the training.

ROE Academy US Concludes Summer Session

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