IAA MOBILITY 2021 | 雷迪奥为大众集团打造沉浸式展位
CARIAD,大众集团旗下汽车软件&技术公司,在全球拥有4,500 多名开发人员、工程师和设计师,他们致力于为大众旗下的众多品牌构建一个统一的软件平台,使其能够以新鲜的数字体验来激发客户的兴趣。
在最近举办的IAA MOBILITY 2021-德国国际汽车及智慧出行博览会中,CARIAD使用雷迪奥LED铺满了他们整个展位,通过最新的高科技演示技术和具备运动跟踪功能的LED地板创建了一个具有强大协作性的平台。
这是CARIAD首次作为参展商亮相国际汽车出行盛会。One platform, endless car experiences,以此为口号,CARIAD在其展台上举办了一场独特的新闻发布会,来自大众集团的联合创始人们阐述了CARIAD改变大众汽车软件驱动的使命,并演示了其面向未来的软硬件和独特的应用程序。
整个活动的LED产品都是通过来自德国的视听设备集成商AVE交付的。AVE和雷迪奥的技术合作体现在B2展厅两层合计500 平米的大众汽车/CARIAD展台上。
Furthermore, Volkswagen presented their IAA fair highlights in a digital format, in the style of a modern tech company like CARIAD. Unlike traditional car presentations, the live shows started with a world premiere of VW's new concept on electro-mobility, "ID. Family". For the first time, the IAA 2021, its talks, and the exhibition itself could be viewed on-site, online, and via satellite, enabling a broader audience to participate in that ongoing world premiere.
AVE was commissioned to supply the complete conference booth. Dedicated to continuous advancement, AVE has established rental projects and spectacular permanent installations, creating complex tech solutions that meet the exacting demands of client's requirements. Their close contact with leading manufacturers gives AVE access to the latest top-quality components and innovations. The technical collaboration of AVE and ROE Visual featured the Volkswagen/CARIAD booth in Hall B2 on 500 m2 across two levels. It included an interactive LED stage for presentations, conferences, and talks. Additionally, the ROE Visual LED floor, measuring 16 x 12 modules (70 m²), was combined with a motion tracking system to create spectacular and immersive presentations.
Summarizing, AVE's project manager Nico Prell comments: "It's unbelievable how much potential the Black Marble LED-Floor has in terms of modular display expandability, sensor-packed tracking system, and multi-functional play-out options."