Frequently Asked Questions
Questions? Find your answers here.
Find the most frequently asked questions on the ROE Visual LED products and LED technology here for your convenience. Do you have special questions? Contact our support team directly. Alternatively attending a ROE Academy course is a great way to boost your LED knowledge.

What is Virtual Production, XR and LED for Film?
New technology often comes with a new set of terminology. To guide your way into the what-is-what of LED technology for virtual production we have complied this easy and no-nonsense thesaurus.

Can I hot-swap an LED module?
Yes, but the calibration will look messy on the swapped module. You still need to restart the panel to read the correct calibration data from the modules.

How does data run in an LED panel?
The design of most ROE Visual LED panels allows data to go in from the top as well as the bottom of the panel.

Can I mount LED modules upside down?
ROE Visual has designed the panels and modules in such way that they protect circuitry, the power will not work to protect the PCB and...

How many LED panels can I hang or stack?
That really depends on the type of LED panel you use and which stacking system you have. Further it also relates to the..

Can I climb on the back of a LED wall?
LED panels are NOT designed for climbing, you might damage the structure or kick out LED modules and put yourself at grave risk doing...

Can ROE Visual LED panels be built as a curved wall?
Yes, most of the LED panels from ROE Visual have the option to be built as a curved wall (either convex or concave). Please consult...

Can a stacking connector hold the weight of the LED panel?
The connector has not been designed to do this and we do not recommend this. If you want to ‘fly’ or suspend a LED panel, please use..

When servicing, can I pull a LED module back through a panel?
Yes, it is possible for some LED panels to remove an LED module from the front and pull it through the panel, but not for all. Please consult..

Which material is used for LED panels?
This differs per LED panel type, it can be either a magnesium alloy, aluminum or a plastic composite. Details on these can be found in the brochures.

What is the function of the magnets on the LED panel?
The magnets on the top and bottom of the LED panels are there to assist you during installation. The magnets will hold up the full weight of the panel. The...

Can I safely create a gap in an LED wall?
Yes, but there are limitations. Without any extra support for the panels under the gap, the max. size is 2 panels wide. Please take into consideration..

Can I remove a panel from a LED wall?
No, it is not possible and not recommended, because you will damage your LED panels. Due to the modular design of the ROE Visual LED panels..

Where is calibration data stored for LED screens?
Calibration data is saved in the LED module. When powering on the panels, the receiver card will read the calibration data from the LED modules..

Will new LED panels look the same as the panels I already have?
When ROE Visual purchases the LEDs, we have strict requirements for the wavelengths of the LED. We will do chroma calibration and...

Can I exchange power supplies for LED frames?
Yes, but please be aware that the label with the serial number is on the power supply lid. After repair, the configuration should be restored. There is..

Can I exchange receiver cards?
Yes, first disconnect the power IN and OUT. Then take off the power supply lid. The power supply will stay in the lid and the receiver card on the frame. It can now be exchanged.

Is it possible to adjust the LED panel locks?
The locks are pre-adjusted and tested in the factory and should not be adjusted in the field without prior consult.

How do I calibrate the LED panel after changing the modules?
For most panels, the calibration data is stored on the LED modules. To read the correct calibration data into the receiver card, power-cycle the panel once.

Does ROE have wind load recommendations for indoor situations?
Yes. It’s important to know that even when used indoors, LED walls are subject to wind loading. Please refer..

How much ballast is needed for the LED screens?
That really depends on the situation and the weight and height of your LED screen. Please use the Ballast calculator for accurate ballast information.

What is the best place to put the ballast for an LED screen?
Depending on the panels used and the size of the screen you may have to place the ballast on one or more locations on the stacking base truss. Please consult the ROE Ballast calculator...

Can I update firmware for my LED panels?
That depends on the type of LED processor you use. Contact our support teams when in doubt. Please, never update firmware for LED panels running on the Evision platform without prior contact with the ROE Visual support desk.

Do I need a hanging bar for each column of LED panels?
It’s strongly recommended to use a hanging bar for each column of LED panels. When in doubt, contact the ROE support teams.