LED Display Solutions
Creating a myriad of Possibilities

Case Studies

“Conducting the factory acceptance test (FAT) for Amber screen was a real pleasure. Since the requirements were challenging due to extreme sonic vibrations, the angled side-wings and gaps for the audio systems, it was a good thing to do. The manufacturing, FAT and installation were all performed on a highly professional level. Meeting our expectations and standards ROE Visual was able to provide the perfect solution. The result is a spectacular screen, installed at the studio”.
Dave Bateman Bateman Consulting Ltd.
More about LED for Fixed Installations
Experience ROE Visual’s Most Advanced LED Technology at NAB 2025
ROE Visual is set to debut its latest LED innovations at NAB 2025, unveiling cutting-edge display technology at the Las Vegas Convention Center from April 6-9. ROE Visual will showcase a powerful lineup of high-performance LED solutions, designed to elevate broadcast, film, and live production with unparalleled image quality, precision, and versatility.
ROE Visual at ISE 2025 - Launching New Products
ROE Visual is delighted to announce the launch of new products for AV Integration at ISE 2025. Featuring the latest LED innovations, ROE Visual's LED solutions, Sierra, Denali, and Coral are well-positioned to make a lasting impact at the show. Feel the Future. 4-7 February, ROE Visual Stand 3P300.