ROE Visual Office Closure Days 2023
The ROE Visual Sales and Service offices will be partially closed or operating with a skeleton staff during the holidays. Please be aware that the response time for orders and quotations may take longer than usual.
Below is an overview of the office closures:
ROE Visual Europe and ROE Visual UK
Monday April 10th Easter Monday
Thursday April 27th Kings Day
Thursday May 18st Ascension Day
Monday May 29th Whit Monday
Monday and Tuesday December 25th and 26th - Christmas
Monday Jan 1st 2024 - New Years Day
For urgent queries in this period, you can reach us at help@roevisual.eu or call +31 50 211 0993.
ROE Visual ME
Eid al-Fitr on April 20, 21, 22, and 23
Arafat Day: June 27
Eid al-Adha: June 28, 29, 30
Islamic New Year: July 19
The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) birthday: September 27
Commemoration Day: December 1
National Day: December 2, 3
ROE Visual US
Memorial Day - Monday, May 29th
Independence Day - Monday & Tuesday, July 3-4th
Labor Day - Monday, September 4th
Thanksgiving - Thursday & Friday, November 23-24th
Christmas Break - Monday & Tuesday, December 25-26th
New Year Break - Monday & Tuesday, January 1-2nd 2024
For urgent queries in this period, you can reach us at roe@roevisual.com or ussupport@roevisual.com (Tech Support) or call +1 747 229 9190.
ROE Visual HQ
For urgent queries in this period, you can reach us at roe@roevisual.com or service@roevisual.com (Tech Support) or call +86-755-83924892.
The ROE Visual team