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ROE Visual Japan

Spread of local sales and support

ROE Visual Japan can live up to its philosophy of delivering unrivaled customer service,  the new subsidiaries is part of the sales strategy to have full-fledged sales and support bases close to the customer. The local team, full of experts and professional technicians, can deliver optimal solutions in a fast and efficient way In the office. 

There's also a showroom that allows visitors to experience the capabilities and benefits of ROE products. Welcome to explore and share a cup of tea. 

ROE Japan teams up!

With the opening of ROE Visual's new Japan office in September 2024, the team's goal is to develop the Japanese market further and offer support and services to its local customers. Our expert technicians and engineers are highly motivated to go beyond what is expected and offer the best experience to customers.

ROE Visual Japan showroom

Welcome to visit

ROE Visual Japan has a nice designed showroom for you to visit, this showroom allows visitors to experience the capabilities and benefits of all our latest products and solutions. You can also explore the xR STAGE TOKYO, a virtual production showroom powered by ROE Visual and disguise. It offers visitors the opportunity to get an up-close experience with virtual production technology and in-camera VFX within an LED volume. 

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