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ROE Visual Inaugurates Showroom in the UK

Unique Demo and Test Space at Production Park

Shenzhen (19 October 2022) – ROE Visual has inaugurated its UK-based showroom and demo space located at Production Park. A broad range of ROE Visual LED products, including an XR stage, is on display. The showroom is open for visits or product and content tests.

The showroom can be visited by appointment. Nick Show, Business Development Director for the UK, can be found there regularly. 

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Being in the direct vicinity of the live production hub Production Park marks ROE Visual's leading position in the live event industry and its existing relationship with both industry-integrated higher education institution Backstage Academy, the XPLOR center, the world's first research and innovation center for entertainment technology and production, as well as other prominent Production Park tenants, such as 4Wall and TAIT.

The showroom offers a wealth of ROE Visual products in several settings, offering an overview of ROE Visual's products and the market segments they serve. Divided into three experiences, the entire space looks both high-tech and welcoming. You can see the XR stage experience, which can be used for testing and internal content production; the boardroom experience for in-person meetings or conferencing; and the live events experience, where the most recent LED productsfor rental and live events are on display.

The XR stage consists of LED walls from the much-loved Black Pearl BP2V2 LED panels and a Black Marble LED floor. A Graphite GP2.6 LED screen flanks it.

The boardroom experience is equipped with a stunning Opal OP1.2 LED screen.

Last but not least, the live events section has both the Ruby RB2.3, R1.9, and RB1.95 on display, the Black Quartz BQ3 and BQ4, and a large room divider consisting of Vanish V8T.

ROE Visual has cleverly used the creative qualities of the Vanish V8 LED screen to use this as window decoration, making the windows closed or transparent to choice.

Two imposing server racks contain all the equipment needed to run the LED screens and content. LED processors from Brompton and Megapixel VR drive the LED screens, while industry partner disguise kindly provided a VX2 media server to run the content. The LED screens displayed in the studio have a bit depth of  either 14 or16bit. The content for the LED screens runs on 60Hz and 10bit bit-depth, providing a magnificent viewing experience throughout the showroom. Intelligent solutions and integrations, such as Companion, make the complete showroom plug- and play.

In his speech, Lee Brooks, CEO of Production Park, mentioned that ROE Visual has raised the bar for all Production Park tenants by creating this high-tech yet warm and welcoming showroom.

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